January 22, 2017

Being A Year Older Than Before

This is your 21st time of January 22nd in your life, shab. Happy birthday to you, you deserve a piece of happiness that you seek by yourself, for yourself.

You've been through a lot of things but not that much to teach you the deepest lesson to start a flawless life. You've been a good child yet a rebellious one, been a smartest child yet a clumsiest one, been a most tough girl yet the most fragile one, been feeling as the most loved yet as the most abandoned, been at the most crowd place yet the loneliest at mind. You've been through a lot, yet have not teach you enough for being a best version of you.

You've been signed as a leader maybe in most frequent times among all of your friends, but have you done it well enough to satisfy your surroundings? How much your leadership moments impacting your surrounding, at least your inner circle?

You've been made a lot of decisions in your life, but have you ever regret any of them? Have you ever dream to live in other people life instead of your own? Have all of your decisions make yourself proud enough on being yourself?

You've been made a lot of connections with people in your life, but have you ever regret any of them? Have you ever feel like you want to reconnecting and start over your life with someone, just to fix all the mistakes you've done and built a perfect connection?

You've been at your version of hardest time in your life, but have you ever learn about how to make it easier if next time you face the same difficulty? Have you ever learn to prevent the same things happen in the future?

You've been good enough to comfort others while they don't do the same things to you, but have you ever think to stop do good things to them to make it fair? Whom do you sacrifice your comforts for? For whom you do all of those unrequited kindness?

You've been a year older than you were yesterday, but have you ever think to make your life better? At least for yourself, for your own sake.


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